Denno Up for Findon Reunion
Steve Dennison, a former Australian international competitor and long
standing member of the club, was a welcome spectator at Findon on Sunday.
When club manager, Mick Harley, told Steve about the following weekend events, the annual re-union for former club members, the obvious was reply was no problem!
Ill call up the "oldies" but ensure the bar is fully stocked up smiled Denno.
Flying Angell

Unfortunately technical problems prevented us from posting many pics from the World championships in Australia but we simply couldnt pass up the opportunity to publish this wonderful action shot taken by Pete Soper. It shows ex-national champion Andy Angell, literally in full flight during an Australia v Great Britain test match. A superb pic dont you think?
Kesgrave Clubnight Success

Clubnights are the lifeblood of many clubs activities, none more so than at Kesgrave. This week, on a cold October night, the Suffolk club attracted 22 youngsters under-8 for training under the watchful eye of Peter Ingram.