VETS EXEC TO MEET ON 6 MARCH posted 12 February 2014
The executive committee of the Veteran Cycle Speedway Riders Association meet on Thursday 6 March at the Rye House pub to discuss a wide range of topics from the election of a new President through to the programme of events for 2014.
The full agenda for the meeting is:
1 Opening address by President Ray Gingell
2 Minutes of previous meeting
3 Report by Bill Gill on British Cycling
4 Report on regional set-up progress by Dave Hunting and Bill Gill
5 Dates for recruitment days
6 Presidential election
7 AGM Plans
8 Get togethers 2014
9 Track Record
10.Web site
11Committee members 201415
12 Financial report
13 Membership Report by Malcolm Bell
14 Any other business
15 Date of next meeting
We hope to bring you a full report of the meeting in due course.
VCSRA AT VETS TEAM FINALS posted 5 August 2013
The Veteran Cycle Speedway Riders Association (VCSRA) was in attendance the British over-40s team finals at Harford Park on Saturday, with Bill Gill (the newly elected association secretary), and Dave Hunting (newly elected assistant membership/promotional officer) manning the associations gazebo.
Some of the exhibits on the VCSRA stand
A total of 22 new members were signed on from across the UK, making it a very successful day Dave Hunting told Spokesman. Thanks must be given to the Norwich club for allowing the VCSRA to be present, and in particular to Gary Colby for his assistance in the matter added Hunting.
Many original members were present, including such well known names as Len Adams, Mick Jeffery, Terry Porter and Derek Wills, amongst others.
The consensus of opinion amongst the elder statesman was an exceptionally well prepared track and a slick presentation, with much of the racing of a very high standard. On the downward side were the very poor starting tapes, causing numerous problems throughout the meeting.
One of the surprises to these veterans was the racing format, with only one rider from each team in each race, as the vets were expecting to see 'team' racing, not an 'individual' style format.
The most important factor however was that they all enjoyed the event very much, getting together to chat about the past and a meet-up with Bill Gill after all these years. Bill's last visit to this venue was over forty years ago, when he raced against the Tuckswood Stars riding for the infamous Thurrock Racers.

Brian Robbens, Mick Jeffery and Derek Wills roll back the years
The icing on the cake came when three vets were allowed to do a few laps of the track on borrowed machinery, no doubt rekindling old memories of their visits to this track in the past. Thanks must be given to Bob Prince, the senior referee and to Gary Colby for allowing the youngsters of yesteryear to stretch their ageing legs.
A reminder to all VCSRA members for the need to email or contact Bill Gill with their choice of President for next year. The two candidates are Tom Kilby. the current treasurer and Pete Saunders who many will remember from speedway as well as cycle speedway.

Dave Hunting and Bill Gill pictured on the VCSRA stand at Norwich yesterday.
The presence of the association at the veterans team finals in Norwich yesterday was the first of regular attendances at top cycle speedway events planned for the future. During September the association hopes to put forward its plans for the future and opportunites for regular get-together meetings throughout
the country.
A reminder to all members that the next display and recruitment day
will be at the British Finals at Coventry on Bank Holiday Monday. It is hoped members will attend and drop in the the VCSRA allocated area.
All enquires to VCSRA secretary Bill Gill at [email protected]
The Veteran Cycle Speedway Riders Association will have a presence at the British over-40s club championship at Harford Park, Norwich on Saturday 3rd August starting at 11.00am.
Hoping to sign on new members will be Bill Gill and Dave Hunting in the VCSRA gazebo, complete with promotional material displaying photos of the 1950s & 1960s. As an added incentive to new members, there will be a reduced promotional offer of £5 instead of the normal £10 annual membership to encourage the enrolment of fresh faces to the association.
There will also be a VCSRA presence at the National Finals at Coventry on Monday 26th August, when the very same promotional offer will apply.
At a meeting of the Veteran Cycle Speedway Riders Association on Thursday, committee members agreed that the qualifying age to join the VCSRA be changed immediately to 25 years. This means that any rider who was riding in 1988 or before can now join the association as a member.
To complement this change, the associations own magazine 'The Track Record', will now cover this new period, with articles required from riders and clubs for future insertion. Photos are also required of teams and individuals racing, with riders names identified.
These can either be loaned (sent complete with return address), and sent to David Hunting, 18 Bixley Drive, Rushmere St Andrew, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 5TY or downloaded and sent to .
These photos will also be used in the associations promotional banners/boards, which will be displayed at the National Finals day at Coventry on August Bank Holiday Monday, where the VCSRA will be in attendance.
The annual general meeting of the Veterans Cycle Speedway Riders Association (VCSRA) saw the election of a new secretary Bill Gill to take over from caretaker secretary, Colin Booth. In addition Dave Hunting and Len Adams become committee members, giving the association a much needed boost.
The credentials of all three are well documented in cycle speedway circles and represent some of the best of the sport. Len Adams was a terrific rider and captain of both England and Tottenham and well respected by all who met him both on and off the track. Dave Hunting has a great pedigree in the sport both as rider and official having officiated at many of the top events over many years and is now engaged at setting up his web site chronicling the history of the teams over the years.
The new secretary, Bill Gill, spent many years in the sport serving nearly 40 years on national committees and was the driving force behind the defunct Thurrock set up and is known for his high standards. He stated his reluctance to get involved in the past but when he heard there was talk of disbanding the association, he felt he just may have some life left in him to help save the day.
Bill had the opportunity to talk to several members on the day and viewing things through fresh eyes realised the current magazine seems to be top heavy with articles from the early days and the lads from the 60s and 70s feel left out. However unless copy is sent in then it will not get printed. He was also aware that table arrangements for the carvery lunch could be improved and perhaps a change of venue. He thought perhaps somewhere near the M25 around the Brentwood area might be better suited for everyone accessible from all parts of the country.
As the VCSRA is really a social forum perhaps more local events could be organised around the country by volunteers in their respective areas and the AGM be moved to a more central venue linking it to a dinner in a hotel a real opportunity for members from all over to meet and reminisce. In the early years the AGM took place with the dinner at Bulphan but falling numbers meant a change and things have stood still.
Bill would like the views of members of the VCSRA in order to think how best to go forward so all suggestions to him as soon as possible. At the AGM Paul Bodley entered a letter asking to consider a more central venue for the AGM and this will be taken on board. Hopefully within the next six weeks members will indicate how improvements can be made and a meeting of the committee convened to discuss matters. Bill is also keen on using the online magazine Spokesman as a communication media and hopes that members will be more aware of this valuable web page.
Contacts details for Bill are:- 19,Colchester Road,Holland On Sea, Essex CO155DD. E.mail
VCSRA AGM REVIEW posted 28 May 2013
The VCSRA annual meeting, held at Roydon Marina, was preceded by a buffet lunch and around 50 members and guests were present. The meeting was opened by President Ray Gingell and he welcomed everyone present.
Apologies were taken. Malcolm Bellchambers gave details of current membership and stated that further reminders would go out shortly to members who have yet to renew. It was agreed by the members to make both Bernie Cable and Wally Dighton honorary members.
Details of the current finances were circulated and the balance sheet showed a healthy financial situation.
Nominations for the committee resulted in Bill Gill being elected Secretary and Dave Hunting and Len Adams to be committee members. Dave stated he hoped to work alongside the new secretary in increasing awareness of the association and attempt to establish regional forums. He also stated that he and Bill hoped to promote the Association at the Finals in Coventry.
Colin Booth was thanked for his services in holding the secretarys post and he stated he now wanted to concentrate on the web site.
Nominations for President were proposed and full details with voting rights will be circulated shortly. The meeting was closed by President Ray Gingell who thanked everyone for attending.
WELCOME BACK BILL posted 28 May 2013
Bill Gill, once the most powerful and influential man in cycle speedway, is back in charge not at British Cycling but as secretary of the Veteran Cycle Speedway Riders Association. Gill was elected to the post at the Associations annual meeting at Roydon Marina on Sunday. We caught up with Bill to ask how he came to be involved again and what his early thoughts were on the future of the VCSRA. Heres what he had to say:
On returning home from the AGM of the VCSRA I clicked onto Spokesman and was immediately hit by headlines Dramatic Return of Bill Gill. I was amazed because of the speed at which the news travelled and concerned that perhaps the members were hoping for a miracle cure to the ailing VCSRA.
Miracle cures I have none but with the help of the membership and looking through fresh eyes, I hope to steer the committee into making a few changes.
Firstly I have looked at the role of the VCSRA and consider it to be mainly a social forum where ex riders can meet in social gatherings and renew old friendships and rivalries and relive the happy times we all shared. My first action is to carry out a survey of the membership to see what they want and how they would like to see changes.
Several members at the AGM thought we should set up more regional gatherings and move the emphasis from London and the Home Counties, especially as now London is no longer a stronghold for the sport. Like myself, there must be several members around the various regions, who may be happy to renew links with the sport and do a little organising to try and keep away any signs of ageing they be suffering from.
When I was secretary to the BCSF and CSC, it was before we all had access to the internet and all the marvels of new technology in the 21st century. I remember at meetings of the CSC listening to the younger officials talk about the use of computers and being wary of such intrusion into my life but now I have entered this modern world. Instead of going to the local post office, every week mailing countless letters, I can now talk to the membership with a click of the mouse and the wonder of Windows 8.
The survey will basically ask all members what they want from the association and then discussing everything with the committee members before trying to change things. I fully realise the excellent work that has been carried out over the years by previous officials and only wish to continue to see their good work built on. In addition to the survey I feel the VCVSRA should be present at the top events and discussions have already begun in bringing a caravan to Coventry and setting up a stand, and to this extent have joined forces with Dave Hunting.
Currently the various get-togethers seem to take place around London with Ron Johnsons bi-monthly luncheons in South London, Len Adams and his golf days , the pre-AGM luncheon and Len Kitchings rambling days. These events are very good but hardly meet the needs of the whole of the membership.
The magazine is another fine effort on the part of several members but some of the younger members feel left out and want to read about the 60s and 70s. Time for some of the younger members to send in copy and put their memories in print. I am hoping that in the future VCSRA will have its own truly dedicated and supported web site, something that I believe Colin Booth is working on
I now await the survey and its results before moving forward and look forward to new challenges for the VCSRA.
If you have any ideas on the future of the VCSRA get in touch with Bill at 19,Colchester Road, Holland On Sea, CO155DD or email him at
BILL GILL BACK AT THE HELM posted 27 May 2013
One of cycle speedways most experienced administrators has made a surprise return to the sport. Former Cycle Speedway Council chairman and Thurrock supremo Bill Gill has been appointed as secretary of the Veterans Cycle Speedway Riders Association (VCSRA) following the associations annual dinner and general meeting at Roydon Marina yesterday.
Reknown for his energy and can do attitude, Gill will look to extend the VCSRAs membership base by targeting prospective new members throughout the country.
We hope to bring you more news of the Associations annual meeting shortly.