A nostalgic look back through the archive to revisit pictures of our youth

Occasionally we trawl through the Spokesman archive to find a photo from yesteryear to complement an article someone has submitted or to supplement one of our stories.  More often than not we get distracted by how people looked years ago, whether it be an action shot of a well known rider or familiar, if youthful, faces in the crowd.  So we thought!  Wouldn't it be good to share some of these pics with Spokesman readers.

Better still, we bet you have a few old photos tucked away somewhere, so why not dust them off, scan them in and send them to us to share with our readers.

He dreamed of being a Bay City Roller or gigging out with Showaddywaddy but cycle speedway and later cyclo-cross got in the way.  

Anyone recognise our star of the Seventies?  Yes – got it in one.  Eurovets organiser Fred Rothwell.

Between 1987 and 1999, cycle speedway’s national administration was delivered by
Ros Burrows and Karen Wells from an office in Norwich.  Sadly Ros and Karen were made redundant when the sport’s administration transferred to British Cycling in Manchester in 2000.  Looking back, what excellent support they provided to the then Cycle Speedway Council, its clubs and riders over that 12 year period.

Reader Lee Lawrence has sent us this wonderful composite picture of cycle speedway’s favourite son Johnny Murphy.


Using the latest computer wizardry, Lee has used an old black-and-white photo showing Johnny racing as a twelve-year-old and superimposed in on a more recent picture of the Scottish legend.


“It really is Johnny” Lee told Spokesman.  “It came from an old black and white picture of him racing someone else. All of the background is from the old picture and I took out the other rider and added the older Johnny on top. I then 'recoloured' the black and white picture to match the later colour picture.”


The wonders of technology – and the wonders of John Murphy!


It’s hard to believe but over half a century separates these two pics of cycle speedway’s favourite son John Murphy.  

Not only has John always been a tough but impeccably fair competitor but he always brings a smile where ever he races.  John really is one of those people it truly is a pleasure to know.


Who would have thought the chubby little chappie leading this race would develop into one of cycle speedway’s all-time greats?  He made his national final debut way back in 1990 when he took part in the British junior individual finishing well down the order – before going on to become two-time British champion, in 2000 and again in 2003. The face may be slightly familiar but there is no mistaking the distinctive and classy style of Phil Howells.



This innocent little nine-year-old would become one of the north-east’s most outstanding and dedicated cycle speedway riders.  Back in 1980 he was beginning his cycle speedway career at Fawdon. Today Gavin Parr, now 40, is a leading light in the Newcastle revival, a true cycle speedway fairy story.

Who would have thought this young girl racer would become one of the most prolific champions in the women's game.  There's no mistaking Lucy Whitehead's radiant smile, sparkling eyes and winning style.

There's no mistaking the dazzling smile and handsome good looks of Southampton cycle speedway legend Gavin Wheeler.  The hair may be shorter, ok - it's disappeared  but somethings never change.  Gavin has always been a winner.

What better way to start our new page, than with this pic of East London stalwart Kevin Smith pictured in action at the famous Norwich Lads Club indoor event.  It's hard to be precise about the date but its probably from the mid Eighties.  Ironically all Kevin's on-track achievements may be overshadowed by one memorable fact - that he was the inspiration behind a cycle speedway website - Spokesman-Online.      

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